Matraville Energy Plant at Suez

SUEZ Water Technologies and Solutions is proposing to construct and operate a fully operational cogeneration plant in the existing Botany industrial area to supply electricity and steam to power Opal Paper and Recycling Mill. The proposal of SUEZ is to develop a two hundred, fifty-million-dollar ($250M) cogeneration plant that would reduce waste in the landfills, minimize CO2 emissions and create local job opportunities for the people, and overall increase the economic development of Matraville energy plant at Suez. 

 The proposed plant would be using proven, advanced, and safe technology comparable to the facilities used in many European cities and countries such as the United Kingdom for decades. SUEZ ensures that the facility will meet the highest local and international standards, especially in air quality.

What are the outcomes?

The Botany Mill will be able to responsibly manage the generated waste from the paper-making and recycling process through the safe and effective operation of the cogeneration power plant of SUEZ. Additionally, the cogeneration power plant would also generate sixty-four thousand megawatts of baseload electricity, which is enough to power twelve thousand homes annually. This means that the Botany Mill would require less energy from natural gas and fossil fuels to operate. The cogeneration power plant would also offset an estimated eighty thousand tons of carbon emissions annually. This would amount to removing roughly about twenty-seven thousand eight hundred cars off the roads.

An estimated amount of one hundred and sixty-five thousand tons of waste material, which are practically non-recyclable, would be diverted per year from the landfill. This total weight is equivalent to that of Sidney’s Opera House.

The development of the two hundred- and fifty-million-dollar cogeneration power plant would create about four hundred construction jobs and thirty direct operational jobs for the people of the community. SUEZ guarantees that the cogeneration plant will always adhere to the highest international standards for air quality for the benefit of everyone.

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